Service Materials Remontomania+

You have 1065 materials available!
Regardless of the choice of materials, the price remains unchanged. Choose your materials from our catalog and send an application to our manager. All related works are already taken into account.
Draft materials

Electric installation work: 
Wall chasing (if needed) and wiring.
Installation of electrical panel and automatic machines.
Installation of voltage relay and ouzo.
Installation of spotlights.
Installation of electrical fittings.
Chandelier installation.
Wall chasing.
Piping for: washbasin, bathtub,
toilet, boiler, washing machine, faucets, kitchen sink.
Connection: washbasin, bathtub, toilet bowl, boiler, bathroom faucets.
Painting  and finishing work:
Wall plastering with wallpaper wash.
Wall primer.
Slope painting.
Gluing baguettes.
Installation of parquet.
Installation of skirting boards, sills.
Floor leveler
Ceiling work:
Installation of drywall curtains.
Stretch ceiling device. 
Tiled work:
Installation of bathroom tiles.
Installation of tiles.
Installation of kitchen wall tiles.
Wiring materials:
Wire 3x1.5 - for lighting.
Wire 3x2.5 - for sockets.
Wire 3x4 – for power devices.
Schneider sockets.
Plumbing supplies:
Water pipe according to the catalogue.
Sewer pipe according to the catalogue.
Corrugations, clamps, fittings.
Painting  and finishing materials:
Gypsum-based plaster
Putty Start Finish Isogypsum
Primer Mapei
Paint SPAIN Monto Nevada
Wallpaper paste in catalog
Gluing fiberglass for painting
Glue for baguettes.
Ceiling materials: 
GKL and Knauf profile (+ dichtung)
Gcl ceiling straight
Tile materials:
Primer Ceresit CT17
Tile adhesive Ceresit СM11

*Consumables - dowels, screws, nails, clamps, blades,
disks, SVP , sealants. Cleaning 

KRUMIX KM-75 Штукатурка гіпсова машинна
Kreisel 500 штукатурка вапняно-цементна машинна 25 кг
Багеты до 150 мм
Герметик силіконовий Sika Sanisil
Грунтовка ceresit СТ 17
Затирка для плитки Mapei
Клей Липучка для багетов
Клей Титан
Клей для обоев Bartoline (Германия)
Клей для плитки Ceresit СМ 11 PRO
Клей для плитки kreisel 102
Кнауф унифлот
Краска Monto (Испания)
Краски San Marco
Черновые работы и материалы