Our mentality is «everything and more», Plushkin's «spare» and «will come in handy». Today let's talk about electric power lines in your apartment. Let's rationally consider the necessary number of outlets to equip an apartment or house. Let's start with the hall. In the hall (hallway, corridor, as someone is more accustomed to) actually need only a few outlets. One cleaning (at a height of 30 cm from the floor) – multifunctionsnaya (and under the vacuum cleaner, and under the hair dryer, it can include and phone – these devices do not require constant power and can alternate) and a socket under the router. All – no more need any spare, unless of course you are not going to put in the hall terrarium with lighting (for crocodile). Any wishes are taken into account and discussed. Now the bathroom – socket under the boiler, under the washing machine (if it is in the bathroom, not in the kitchen, dressing room, or somewhere else), under the towel dryer, the regulator of the warm floor (it is more rational to take it out in the hall), and one (maximum two) power (under the hair dryer, razor, iron – again, universal and multifunctional). Checkroom – one cleaning room and that's it! You don't need extra outlets in the closet! Why? It's Narnia after all, not an arcade world. You store things there and spend no more than 5-10 minutes a day. Kitchen – here of course «soccer field». But, let's reason: stable – refrigerator, leads under the cooker, hood and oven (if electric appliances, not gas), dishwasher (if necessary), air conditioning, cleaning, two pairs above the working surface of the kitchen (under blenders, kettles, microwaves, etc.), TV group and one on the opposite wall from the working surface of the kitchen. That's it! This is quite enough for «electric stuffing» kitchen. The rest you simply will not use and the usefulness of «picture», which «hole in the wall blocking» will be exactly as much as from Matroskin's cat (which, unlike «from» and «on the machine and raspberry jam»). Room (multiplied in proportion to the number of rooms in the apartment) – working area (outlet for the Internet at a height of 30 cm from the floor and three power –one next to the Internet outlet, two above the desk), TV group, output under the air conditioner, cleaning and one more (maximum two) power outlets. And no «just in case» and no «I'll figure out what for». Do not fret yourself, the designer and do not add unnecessary work for electricians. Save your budget, rationally play and think through your home. And we will always help, advise, take into account your wishes and hints.
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