Remontomania is all-inclusive. It is important for every customer to know the list of services and materials they receive when signing a contract.
We work transparently, everything that is included in the cost of any of the selected packages of Remontomania – is listed on our website.
We also have over 2500 finish materials on our website for the customer to choose from. We have a fixed price per square meter renovation, so we don't reveal to our customers all the items budgeted for the project. Sometimes, we are faced with questions from customers of the following nature: «What if your tiles, laminate, wallpaper or plumbing will not suit me? In practice, this happens very rarely. We do have a wide selection of quality materials.
But, nevertheless. If the customer is principled in choosing a particular manufacturer, which is not included in the package of services - we always go to the meeting. For example, you want a bathtub Ravak, and we have a package – Devit, in this case, with our help or independently you choose and purchase the desired bathtub, and we return the amount of money invested in the project for the purchase of the bathtub.
. One more, not less actual, question - additional works or materials, which are not included in the package.
For example, installation/dismantling, balcony glazing, etc. Yes, we take into account all wishes and yes, we do remodeling.
But this kind of work is not included in the cost of Remontomania packages, and, if necessary, is calculated separately (in the form of a commercial offer in the customer's personal cabinet).
The product RSU «Remontomania» is very convenient and transparent, sharpened and calculated for new buildings, but the team RSU provides the whole range of repair–construction works. Therefore, we have answers and solutions to any of your questions.
And we are always happy to cooperate with you.
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