Interior Design

Room architecture: how to choose an interior style according to the characteristics of the room

Selecting a particular interior style – is not an easy task, as sometimes your preferences may not coincide with the peculiarities of the architecture of the room. Repair and Construction Department  is ready to perform for you key apartment renovation in Odessa and Kiev, undertaking to select the optimal interior depending on the features of your home, wishes and preferences.

A few general recommendations:

  • Classics of the genre. If you like the classic style of design regardless of the purpose of the room, remember: low ceilings and the presence of 1-2 small windows will not allow you to realize this style to the fullest extent, because you need a lot of light and space.
  • Unpretentious loft. If the ceiling is small, and the room is planned to install a ventilation shaft, it is better to choose the style of loft – do not need to install a suspended ceiling, reducing the space to hide pipes and other structures.
  • Neoclassic, grunge and eclecticism. In rooms with high ceilings, the designer's imagination has almost no limits. Here you can safely resort to stucco in the style of classic or neoclassical, make country beams and complement it all with a colorful eclectic multi-horn chandelier. Bright, unusual and stylish design options will reveal their potential thanks to the height of the ceilings.
  • Mediterranean and Provence. For small rooms, especially in the northern part of the building, it is better to use «warm» interior styles – country, Provence, French style or Greek Mediterranean.

Each style has its own characteristics – for large and small rooms, light and dark rooms, high and low ceilings.

Any of the styles has its own characteristics – for large and small rooms, light and dark rooms, high and low ceilings.

Small and poorly designed rooms

Northern peoples live in quite harsh conditions, so they have to create warmth and coziness from literally nothing. Scandinavian interior – light, with pleasant to the touch materials, in the interior a lot of bright and juicy accents. Thanks to the lightness and brevity of design, the Scandinavian style is reflected in modern interiors, being one of the most popular in the world.

If the room you've chosen for renovation in Odessa is too dark even on a sunny day, we recommend using a few techniques taken from Scandinavian style:

  • abundance of white color and its shades,
  • light wood – ash, maple, birch, hornbeam,
  • simple ornaments that can decorate the furniture,
  • accent decor – bright threads on pillows, painting in rich colors,
  • plenty of artificial light – in the yellow or white spectrum.

Another good option for small and dark rooms – neoclassical:

  • Another good option for small and dark rooms – neoclassical.
    • light sources are located on all planes: ceiling, walls, floor, perimeter,
    • furniture has a restrained silhouette, no frills with graceful legs, small in size,
    • lepnina is appropriate, but strict geometric shapes, not overloading the space.

    Wallpaper in neoclassic should not become the basis of the interior, but only a background to create a harmonious atmosphere. The mood is set by small accessories – bright cushions on the sofa, a nice lamp shade of floor lamp of juicy color, a photo frame painted in a saturated tone.

    For those with high ceilings and large windows


    A similar interior feature – a luxury that is highly prized due to its rarity in modern housing. If you are lucky enough to own such an apartment or house, you should not reduce the height of the ceilings – it is appropriate only if they are frankly uneven. In other cases, you will deprive yourself of the obvious advantages, and significantly reduce the list of available types of interior. And, for example, the French refined style just requires such parameters. This style is distinguished by:


    • neutral shade of paint for the walls and ceiling,
    • exquisite stucco elements – moldings, rosettes, pilasters, cornices in the tone of the walls and ceiling,
    • large windows are decorated deliberately simple – light translucent or thick tulle.

    The height of the ceiling plays into the hands of the loft style:

    • the windows are covered with translucent Roman blinds,
    • industrial-style lamps provide light
    • .
    • the brickwork looks relevant and interesting
    • .

    In rooms with low ceilings, brick walls or brick stylization can look bulky and out of place, but not if the walls are high – brickwork becomes the accent of the entire interior.

    Brick walls or brick stylization can look bulky and out of place, but not if the walls are high – brickwork becomes the accent of the entire interior.

    Traditional styles such as vintage, classic, eclectic and neoclassical are also good choices. Here, tall and elongated objects, such as oval mirrors, large chandeliers, floor-length curtains and drapes, and interesting floor lamps, are all good choices.

    Contemporaries and Scandinavian styles will form a well-balanced and calm space, where every object has a strictly assigned place – things are well organized, accents are appropriate, and the overall impression – light and cozy.

    Contemporaries and Scandinavian styles will form a well-balanced and calm space.

    Features of apartments in Khrushchevka

    This type of housing has a number of undoubted advantages – high ceilings, large windows and wide doorways. But with all this wealth must be able to manage, so we recommend you to order turnkey repair of apartments in Odessa in RSU № 1 – experts of our company will choose for you the style that will best emphasize the features of the architecture.


    If you wish to engage in creating the design of the apartment yourself in the Khrushchevka, but you need to know the following:

    • To emphasize the windows and doors can be used methods of design Parisian style – elegant moldings, elite parquet or its imitation, pilasters and rosettes, furniture on elegant legs.
    • If the windows are located only on one wall, hang on the opposite plane of mirrors, which will greatly increase the amount of daylight in the room.

    Neoclassical style is no less interesting in Khrushchevka: light furniture, unobtrusive decor, neutral color scheme, molds and caissons on the ceiling.

    All the same.

    Low ceilings in the apartment – not a verdict


    It should be said right away – moldings, low-hanging chandeliers and other decorative techniques for decorating the ceiling, stealing precious centimeters of height, are unacceptable here, and even contraindicated.

    They are not allowed.

    Consider contemporaries, boho, minimalism, Provence and retro. The latter is very interesting because it draws the eye away from the walls, fixing it on the furniture – deliberately wide and squat.

    The perfect solution for a studio apartment


    In recent years, the popularity of studio apartments, although decreased, but there are still many who honor this design option – combining kitchen and living room or living room and hallway. Here you will be useful «uniting» in one space styles – Scandinavian, Contemporari, American. Art Deco will perfectly cope with the task due to the abundance of floral ornamentation, which can be duplicated on upholstery, wallpaper and other elements, drawing parallels and uniting several zones into one.

    Summarizing, it is worth saying that, no matter how much you like this or that style, you will have to reckon with the peculiarities of the available space, its volumetric characteristics. Professional designers from RSU  ready to come to your aid, to develop a project for the reconstruction of your home and perform a full range of work according to your wishes.

    They are ready to help you.

    Call us right now, so that your dream of a cozy home will begin to come true tomorrow!

    Call us right now to make your dream of a cozy home come true tomorrow!
