📣 Dear friends!
7️⃣ years for a company is a significant age, to which we have come with a wealth of achievements, experience, and a well-established team of true professionals.
During these years of our firm's existence, we have solidified our position in the market, displacing many of our competitors.
We are known and respected.
We have an excellent reputation that we hold in high regard.
I wish our company not to rest on its laurels but to continue conquering new markets, mastering new technologies, and continuing to delight our clients. We have everything necessary to realize our potential - highly professional and invaluable work experience.
To all the employees of "RSU," I wish robust health, financial prosperity, mutual understanding, and a constant pursuit of excellence!
And on the eve of our birthday - I would like to present to you the opening of the branch RSU in Poland in Warsaw! This is a new level of company development - an international level! I am confident that we will provide the best service and delight every client of the company "RSU"
Igor Niman Markovich
Your ideological inspiration
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