Package «Minimum» 250 u/m2 |
Packet «Convenient» 220 u.e./m2 |
Electrical installation: 1 point per sq.m. |
Electrical installation: 0.7 point per 1 m.sq. |
Painting and finishing works: Wall plastering with wallpapering. Plastering of walls and ceilings for painting. Grouting of walls, floors and ceilings. Grouting of walls, floors and ceilings. Painting of walls, soffits and ceilings.
Playing wallpaper.
Playing of baguettes.
Installing laminate flooring. Mounting laminate flooring. Installation of baseboards, thresholds, corners. |
Painting and finishing works: Wall plastering with wallpapering. Painting of soffits. Playing wallpaper. Wallpaper. Glueing baguettes. Add wallpaper. Installing laminate flooring. Mounting laminate flooring. Installation of skirting boards, thresholds, corners. Mounting of laminate flooring. |
Painting and finishing materials: Knauf MP75 Gypsum Plaster Start Finish Isohypsum Putty Ceresit ST17 Primer Escaro mattlatex paint Wallpaper glue «Beeline» Velcro Baguette Adhesive *Consumables. |
Painting and finishing materials: Knauf MP75 Gypsum Plaster Ceresit ST17 primer Escaro mattlatex paint Wallpaper glue «Beeline» *Consumables. |
Pullsky stretch ceilings, drywall ceilings flat with undercurtain. |
Stretch ceilings Pullsky. The ceiling bar is installed (not baguette).
Wallpaper - all catalogs in the showroom to choose from: Rasch, Marburg, Erismann, PS International (Germany), Grandeco Ideco (Belgium). |
Wallpaper - one catalog: MARBURG LA VIE, (Germany).
Laminate from 32 to 33 class (without chamfer and with chamfer). Baseboard with a choice of: MDF/plastic . |
Laminate 32 Rezult. Plastic baseboard |
Italian Devit and PolishCersanit. |
S Cersanitersanit. |
Tilesa: Ukrainea, Polanda, Russiaa, Spainia. Opoczno, Cersanit, Golden Tile, Atem, Kerama Marazzi and many others... |
Tiles: Ukraine, Poland. Cersanit , Golden Tile.
Euroblock doors. With quarter. Noiseless lock. Silent Fasteners on the door to the bathroom. |
Doors made of mdf. Box - wood. |
Electric fittings: Schneider |
Electric fittings: Gleset milano |
Heat flooring in su |
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Warranty 3 years |
Warranty 1 years
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