Service Materials Comfortable

You have 5378 materials available!
Regardless of the choice of materials, the price remains unchanged. Choose your materials from our catalog and send an application to our manager. All related works are already taken into account.
Draft materials and work

Electrical work:
Wall chasing and wiring.
Switching and soldering doses.
Installation of electrical panel and automatic machines.
Installation of voltage relay and ouzo.
Installation of spotlights.
Installation of electrical fittings.
Chandelier installation.
Wall chasing.
Piping under: washbasin, bathtub,
toilet, boiler, washing machine, faucets, kitchen sink.
Connection: washbasin, bathtub, toilet bowl, boiler, bathroom faucets.
Painting  and finishing work:
Wall plastering with wallpaper wash.
Slope painting.
Gluing baguettes.
Laminate installation.
Installation of skirting boards, sills, corners.
Ceiling work:
Stretch ceilings. 
Under stretch ceilings, the baguette is not mounted,
the bar is mounted.
Tile work:
Installation of bathroom tiles.
Corridor tiles installation.
Installation of kitchen wall tiles.
Wiring materials:
Wire 3x1/1.5 - for lighting.
Wire 3x2.5 - for sockets.
Wire 3x4 – for power devices.
Plumbing supplies:
Water pipe Valrom.
Sewer pipe Valrom.
Corrugations, clamps, fittings.
Painting  and finishing materials:
Plastering (wall leveling)
Primer Ceresit CT17
Escaro mattlatex paint
Wallpaper glue "Beeline"
Ceiling materials: 
Pullsky stretch ceilings
Tile materials:
Primer Ceresit CT17
Tile adhesive Ceresit CT17

*Consumables - dowels, screws, nails, clamps, blades,
discs, silicones, sealants.                       


Штукатурка BAUMIT MPI25
штукатурная стартовая для машинного нанесения ANSERGLOB ВСТ 21