Service Materials Comfortable

You have 5377 materials available!
Regardless of the choice of materials, the price remains unchanged. Choose your materials from our catalog and send an application to our manager. All related works are already taken into account.

In this section we offer:
laminate flooring, underlay for laminate flooring and plastic plinth. 
In the RSU showroom you can see for yourself the quality of the laminate.



AGT Effect PRK901 - Торос 8MM-32кл
AGT Effect PRK902 - Тібет 8MM-32кл
AGT Effect PRK903 - Еверест 8MM-32кл
AGT Effect PRK904 - Альпи 8MM-32кл
AGT Effect PRK905 - Фуджи 8MM-32кл
AGT Effect PRK906 - Памір 8MM-32кл
AGT Effect PRK907 - Урал 8MM-32кл
AGT Effect PRK908 - Алтай 8MM-32кл
AGT Effect PRK909 - Россо 8MM-32кл
AGT Effect PRK910 - Нірвана 8MM-32кл
AGT Effect PRK911 - Ельбруз 8MM-32кл
AGT Effect PRK912 - Соларо 8MM-32кл
AGT Effect PRK913 - Атлас 8MM-32кл
AGT Effect PRK914 - Логан 8MM-32кл
AGT Natura Line PRK201 - Дуб Каньйон 8MM-32кл
AGT Natura Line PRK501 - Дуб Тренд 8MM-32кл