Service Materials Remontomania+

You have 510 materials available!
Regardless of the choice of materials, the price remains unchanged. Choose your materials from our catalog and send an application to our manager. All related works are already taken into account.

Electric installation work:
From calculation "up to two points per square meter"
Installation of electrical panel and automatic machines.
Mounting the voltage relay.
Installation of spotlights.
Installation of electrical fittings.
Chandelier installation.
Inlet shield device.
Lighting fixtures - position of the Customer

Автоматы ABB
Доза электромонтажная
Кабель ВВГп НГД, Сечение под розетки 3х2,5, под освещение 3х1 или 1,5 , под силовые приборы 3х4, Подрозетники
Подрозетники schneider electric
Расходные материалы для электомонтажа
Теплый пол Gray Hot (Грей Хот) 15 (129 Вт)
Терморегулятор In-term
Терморегулятор terneo st unic 350
Фурнитура schneider Sedna
Фурнитура schneider Unica