Service Materials Remontomania+

You have 510 materials available!
Regardless of the choice of materials, the price remains unchanged. Choose your materials from our catalog and send an application to our manager. All related works are already taken into account.

On request, pouring the mass level (leveling the floor) and laying the parquet board. 
At the request of the Client, the floor can be made in large-format tiles (Remontomania+ catalog)
Parquet installation is carried out in residential areas (Separate living room, Separate sleeping area)

01 Плінтус МДФ
Perfect Parquet 1030
Perfect Parquet 1030 220 1
Perfect Parquet 2 20 29
Perfect Parquet 2 7 1
Perfect Parquet 2-21
Perfect Parquet Antique Heart Pine LLP303
Perfect Parquet SE 7252 1
Perfect Parquet БП 1
Perfect Parquet БП 6539 220 1
Perfect Parquet БП 6598 220 1
Perfect Parquet БП 6903 1
Perfect Parquet БП6903 1
Perfect Parquet Біле 1
Perfect Parquet Білене 220 1
Perfect Parquet Білене 220 1 (1)