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Draft materials and work
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Renovating your own home is a task that requires care, responsibility, and, most importantly, quality materials. The first step to creating the perfect interior is a rough finish, the foundation of future coziness and comfort. In this process, it is the materials for rough finishing that are of key importance, ensuring the strength, durability and aesthetics of the final result.

Materials for rough finishing: what are they and at what stage of the renovation are they needed?

Rough finishing is the first stage of repair work, where the main work is done to prepare the walls, floor and ceiling for the final finish. Materials for rough finishing should be used to create a solid and reliable base that will ensure the durability and quality of all subsequent repairs. These include primer, wallpaper and tile adhesive, putty, plaster, various paints, grout, and silicone sealant.

Types of materials for roughing

  • Primer is used to prepare surfaces before puttying, painting or wallpapering. It helps to ensure better adhesion of materials to the surface.
  • Wallpaper and tile adhesives are specialized adhesives that are selected according to the type of finish. They ensure reliable attachment of materials to the substrate.
  • Putty and plaster are used for leveling walls and ceilings and eliminating surface defects.
  • Various paints can be used to create a protective coating or as a base for a decorative finish.
  • Grout is used to fill the joints between tiles, providing water resistance and aesthetic appearance.
  • Silicone sealant is used to seal the joints, which provides protection against moisture and improves the insulation characteristics of the room.

Why is it important to choose high-quality materials for roughing and how does it affect the quality of the repair?

Choosing high-quality materials for rough finishing not only affects the duration of the repair work, but also guarantees the durability and safety of your home. High-quality materials minimize the risk of cracks, peeling, and other defects that can occur over time. They also provide better adhesion to surfaces, which is important for further finishing. In addition, the use of high-quality materials not only helps to achieve aesthetic appeal, but also increases the durability of your premises
