Pack Materials «Minimal»
service «Remontomania»

You have 6287 materials available!
Regardless of the choice of materials, the price remains unchanged. Choose your materials from our catalog and send an application to our manager. All related works are already taken into account.

Electrical work: Based on 1 point per sq. m.

Cable routing.

Installation of electrical panel and automatic machines.

Mounting the voltage relay.

Installing spotlights.

Installing electrical accessories.

Installing chandeliers.

Introductory electrical panel.

Repairmania and Convenient packages are completed with all finishing decorative materials.

Overview of our cable VVG x NGD



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Кабель интернета (Витая пара)
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Расходные материалы для электомонтажа

Electrical installation is an important component of any modern construction or repair project. The quality of electrical work depends on the safety and comfort of using residential and commercial premises. RSU offers professional electrical installation services using the best materials and equipment that meet all quality and safety standards.

Basic materials for electrical installation used in repair

A variety of materials and components are required for high-quality electrical installation. Among them:

  • Internet cable - provides a reliable and fast connection to the network, is important for offices and modern residential premises.
  • Accessories - includes sockets, switches, junction boxes and other elements that ensure the functionality and safety of the electrical network.
  • Various consumables - insulating and fastening materials, terminals, connectors, cable protection pipes and other equipment used for the installation and reliability of the power grid.

Important aspects when choosing materials

When choosing materials for electrical installation, it is important to pay attention to their quality, reliability and compliance with current safety standards. RSU, a turnkey repair company, uses only certified products from well-known manufacturers, which guarantees high quality and durability of all electrical installation equipment.

The choice of the right materials for electrical installation also depends on the specifics of the object, its size, purpose and individual needs of the customer. RSU consultants are always ready to provide professional assistance in selecting the best solution based on your requirements and budget.
