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Draft materials and work
Kreisel 500 штукатурка вапняно-цементна машинна 25 кг
Герметик силіконовий Sika Sanisil
Грунтовка ceresit СТ 17
Затирка для швов Ceresit CE40
Клей Титан
Клей для обоев Bartoline (Германия)
Клей для плитки Ceresit СМ 11 PRO
Клей для плитки kreisel 102
Кнауф унифлот
Краска Monto (Испания)
Черновые работы и материалы
Шпаклевка старт Изогипс
Шпаклевка финиш Сатенгипс
Шпаклевка финишная Эльф Д60
Штукатурка BAUMIT MPI25
штукатурная стартовая для машинного нанесения ANSERGLOB ВСТ 21


Welcome to RSU — your reliable partner in the world of repair work! Our company is engaged in professional turnkey repair of houses and apartments. We understand how important it is not only to have an attractive appearance of your home, but also to have a well-prepared foundation. That is why we pay special attention to drafts and materials, which are the foundation for an ideal result.

What are drafts and materials?

Rough work is the first and one of the most important stages in the repair process. They include dismantling of old coatings, preparation of walls, ceilings and floors for further finishing works. Rough materials include plasterboard, plaster, cement, foam and other materials that ensure the reliability and durability of the base.

The importance of high-quality preparation of the premises during rough work

High-quality preparation of the premises is key to ensuring the longevity of the renovation and the health of the residents. Improperly executed rough work can lead to loss of heat, the appearance of moisture and mold. At RSU, we ensure the careful execution of all necessary procedures so that your home is not only beautiful, but also functional and safe.

Stages of rough work from the RSU company

The draft process in our company includes several key stages:

Inspection and planning - our specialists carefully inspect the premises, analyze its features and draw up a detailed work plan.
Dismantling works - we carefully dismantle old coverings, floors, partitions and other elements that need to be replaced.
Preparation of surfaces — we carry out plastering and putty work, level surfaces for further finishing works.
Installation of new structures - if necessary, we install new partitions, communication systems and other structural elements.
Quality control - at each stage, our craftsmen carry out a quality check of the work performed to guarantee a high standard of the final result.
At RSU, we pride ourselves on our attention to detail and high standards of workmanship. By contacting us, you can be sure that your repairs will be performed at the highest level. Our goal is to provide you with a cozy and comfortable home, where every corner is filled with warmth and coziness. Contact us today to discuss your renovation project!