Pack Materials «Optimal»
service «Remontomania» (Kyiv)
Draft materials and work

Regardless of the choice of materials, the price remains unchanged. Choose your materials from our catalog and send an application to our manager. All related works are already taken into account.
Draft materials and work

Electrical work: 

Wall chasing (if necessary) and wiring.

Installation of electrical panel and automatic machines.

Mounting the voltage relay and ouzo.

Installing spotlights.

Installing electrical accessories.

Installing chandeliers.


Wall chasing.

Piping for: washbasin , bathtub ,

toilet, boiler, washing machine, faucets, kitchen sink.

Connection: washbasin, bathtub, toilet bowl, faucets with/a.

Painting  and finishing work:

Wall plastering with wallpaper wash.

Wall primer.

Painting slopes.


Laminate installation.

Installation of skirting boards, sills.

Ceiling work:

Device of stretch ceilings. 

Tile work:

Installation of tiles with / from.

Installation of tiles in the corridor and kitchen.

Mounting kitchen wall tiles.

Electrical materials:

Wire 3x1.5 - for lighting.

Wire 3x2.5 - for sockets.

Wire 3x4 – for power devices.

Schneider sockets.


Plumbing materials:

Water pipe Catalog Repairomania.

Sewer pipe Catalog Remontomania.

Corrugations, clamps, fittings.


Painting  and finishing materials:

Plaster with/with cement-sand mixtures.

Putty Start Finish Isogyps

Ceresit CT17 primer

Paint SPAIN Monto Nevada

Wallpaper glue «Bartholine»


Ceiling materials: 

Stretch ceilings


Tile materials:

Ceresit CT17 primer

Tile adhesive Ceresit СM11



*Consumables - dowels, screws, nails, clamps, blades,

disks, SVP, sealants.                      

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