Pack Materials «Minimal»
service «Remontomania»

You have 6287 materials available!
Regardless of the choice of materials, the price remains unchanged. Choose your materials from our catalog and send an application to our manager. All related works are already taken into account.

For plumbing work, we use materials from European manufacturers.
The package includes piping for: washbasin, bathtub, toilet bowl, boiler, washing machine, faucets, kitchen sink.
Connection: washbasin, bathtub, toilet bowl, boiler, mixer taps. Apartments over 91m2 are equipped with a second (guest) bathroom. Siphons - Germany - Viega. Installing one exhaust fan.(*Repairmania)
From 23.02.2022 - Guest SS enters from the area of 80 sq.m.



Расходные материалы Гофры , фитинги , хомуты
Труба водопроводная ASG
Труба канализационная magnоplast
Труба канализационная ostendorf
Труба канализационная ostendorf (оранж)

Choosing the right plumbing materials is a key aspect when planning any renovation or construction of a bathroom, kitchen or other premises requiring water supply and sewage. High-quality materials for plumbing provide not only convenience and comfort of daily use, but also guarantee the durability and reliability of the plumbing system.

The main categories of materials for plumbing repairs

When choosing materials for plumbing, you should pay attention to the following categories:

  • Sewage pipes are an important element of any plumbing system that requires special attention to the material from which they are made. The quality of the pipes directly affects the service life of the entire system.
  • Consumables - this category includes corrugations, fittings, seals, fasteners and other components necessary for the installation and reliable operation of plumbing systems.
  • Water pipes - the quality of water pipes directly affects the safety of the water supply in the house. It is important to choose pipes that do not react chemically with water and do not release harmful substances into it.

How does the quality of plumbing materials affect the durability of your renovation?

The quality of plumbing materials has a direct impact on the service life of plumbing systems. In addition, high-quality plumbing requires minimal maintenance over the years. The use of high-quality materials helps to avoid many problems, such as leaks, corrosion, sedimentation, and other common problems that can occur when using lower-quality materials.
