Service Materials Comfortable

You have 5378 materials available!
Regardless of the choice of materials, the price remains unchanged. Choose your materials from our catalog and send an application to our manager. All related works are already taken into account.

For plumbing work, we use materials from the Romanian manufacturer Valrom.
The package includes piping for: washbasin, bathtub,
toilet, boiler, washing machine, faucets, kitchen sink.
Connection: washbasin, bathtub, toilet bowl, boiler, bathroom faucets.
Apartments over 91m2 are equipped with a second (guest) bathroom.
Installing one exhaust fan.

Расходные материалы Гофры , фитинги , хомуты
Труба водопроводная ASG
Труба канализационная magnоplast
Труба канализационная ostendorf
Труба канализационная ostendorf (оранж)