Pack Materials «Optimal»
service «Remontomania»

You have 6920 materials available!
Regardless of the choice of materials, the price remains unchanged. Choose your materials from our catalog and send an application to our manager. All related works are already taken into account.

In the presented position we offer:

Laminate underlay and plinth. 

Laminate from class 31 to class 32, with and without chamfer.

MDF plinth in the color of the laminate with a height of no more than 80mm.

In the DCS showroom, you can feel the quality of the laminate by touch.

See and choose the appropriate type in the Repairmania packages.

Review and quality check. 



Krono Original Variostep Classic V4 (8mm) 32кл K337 Дуб Хейлофт NEW
Krono Original Variostep Classic V4 (8mm) 32кл K338 Дуб Криденза NEW
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Krono Original Variostep Classic V4 (8mm) 32кл К047 Сосна Горная
Krono Original Variostep Classic V4 (8mm) 32кл К057 Дуб Клірвотер
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Krono Original Variostep Classic V4 (8mm) 32кл К070 Стрит Левел
Krono Original Variostep Classic V4 (8mm) 32кл К262 Дуб Блу
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Krono Original Variostep Classic V4 (8mm) 32кл К281 Дуб Бухта
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Krono Original серебряный коттедж Castello Classic K039
Krono+ Symbio D3168-Пино Леваанте
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